Equity product is the securities issued by public companies to mobilize funds from the public. It involves company’s share which represents ownership of investors in a particular company. Ownership of equity will often entitle investors to a portion of the company’s profits through dividends.
Shareholders are the owners of the business and share the success or failure of the business. The performance of the business can often be measured by the amount of dividends that shareholders receive and by the price of the share that is quoted on the stock market. Two types of securities are able to be traded on CSX:

1. Common Stock
The direct rewards for holding common stock are dividends from the company’s profit, capital gains and right to buy the company’s new shares when the company decides to increase its registered capital.

2. Preferred Stock
Preferred Stock is also an equity instrument. The difference between preferred stock and common stock is that the holder of preferred stock will be entitled to a share in the company’s funds before common shareholders do.